what's up 要回什麼?
Possible Responses:
Awesome! 太好了!
Very good! 很好呢!
Pretty decent! 還滿不錯的!
Nothing much. / Just a little. 沒什麼特別的啊。
Nothing new. / The usual stuff. 沒有新鮮事,老樣子。
Just normal life. 生活如常。
Feeling fine. 還行。
what's up 要回什麼?
Awesome! 太好了!
Very good! 很好呢!
Pretty decent! 還滿不錯的!
Nothing much. / Just a little. 沒什麼特別的啊。
Nothing new. / The usual stuff. 沒有新鮮事,老樣子。
Just normal life. 生活如常。
Feeling fine. 還行。